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Mary's Peak Hike
Siuslaw National Forest
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Length: 1.25 miles round trip
Elevation Change: 340' cummulative gain
Season: Nearly Year-round
Difficulty:   Easy to Moderate
Recreation Pass Required

Features: Even though you can drive nearly to the summit of Marys Peak, it is so worth it. If you want to make more of an adventure, you can always begin the hike lower on the mountain. Click HERE for more information on this option.

As you can see from the map, there are several hiking options once you arrive at the parking area. I did the hike via the red trail.

If you hike on Marys Peak any time between May and August, you will be treated to incredible floral displays. The vast meadows along the way afford an on-going unfolding of new wild flowers about every two weeks.

And, if you are fortunate enough to be up there on a perfectly clear day, the views are simply world class. Not only can you see the Pacific Ocean to the west, but you can also view several of the volcanoes in the Cascade Mountains; ranging from Mt. Rainier in the north to the 3 Sisters to the southeast.

Floral display along the Mary's Peak trail
Floral display along the Mary's Peak trail

Hike Difficulty Calculator

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The 10 Essentials
Bear Encounters

Cougar Encounters

River Crossing Safety
A Virtual Hike of Marys Peak

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